Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Taking the leap of Faith

Is it just me or is it for everyone? "FAITH" I have heard this a million times you must have too...Growing in a Christan home, The word faith is just such a common word. Well not for me. Its been s process of learning to trust in somebody i haven't seen or touched or felt. If you know what i mean.

First when i was totally messed up and screwed up God said he has Chosen me for His kingdom. Believe me you really don't know what that means when your totally screwed up. I left my education and went to Chennai did a worship course since i was also a worship leader. yea, Worship leaders can be screwed up people too. Just ask your worship leader.

After i got back i told God i need a job that pays me well. i had tried for a year couldn't get a job. God gave me a job that paid me well. in a years time i was promoted as a team leader. everything was going well with me. I almost bought myself a new house with a swimming pool a gym etc.etc. During this period i stopped praying. That's when God intervened again and i landed up in the hospital. I was messed up again. I tried to run away from God and people and went to Mangalore that's when God spoke to me again and asked me to go to Bangalore. I was also part of band called YESHUA then, we had just finished recording our first album.

I left everything got a ticket and went to Bangalore. I didn't know anyone there no family. All God said was step out of the Boat. And i did. Remember i had no money and here i am in Bangalore staying with a friend called Ramnath in an office. Spent days eating a couple of paranthas. Just me and Ramnath. I met Ramnath in Bangalore. we worked together helped a lot of Gospel bands and ministered to the youth out there. Its really hard to live in an unknown place with a small salary especially when you were a manger in a call center in bombay and making big money. I worked faithfully for a year. After a year i came back to Mumbai. Yea i needed money. The pressure of money is something that will never let go of you easily. It will keep coming to your head.

That's when i went to South Africa in search of a Job. I landed in SA on the 23rd of Dec. the next day i was in a local church and during the worship i met the same person who would never let me go. God!. Believe me You don't want to meet him especially when you know you are running away from Him. I ended up not working but was part of the worship team and leading worship in the local Vineyard Church in Durban. Thats where i got to meet a lot of youth and minister to some of them. I could see that is where the heart of the Father in heaven is. Once God touches your heart its very difficult to think of a job a future a home or anything else. All you want to do is be in his Presence. After three months i got back to mumbai. Again I needed money. Its difficult to answer people when they ask you what are you doing. Even worse in India people ask your parents in front of you. Aapka beta kya kaam karta hain ( What does you son do). I Succumbed to the pressure again.

I took up a Job in Bombay with Electrocraft (Roger Drego) God was really faithful. He helped me through this new job without having any knowledge of sound engineering i was working with India's best sound rental company. Two and a half years down the line I heard that voice again and you guessed right. i quit. It was tough really tough. But today me and my fiance are pastoring a church called "LOST n FOUND" Through all these times God was faithful and never let me lack in anything. all my needs were provided.

I recently got a very good Job offer and God said if you follow me i will provide your every need. You will lack nothing. Isiah 55. So i didnt take up the job. Today God has blessed me with everything i need and I can go on and on about this. I just want to encourage you reading this.

Take the leap of faith its worth it! Come, be a part of the Adventure.


lenin.samuel said...

love the blog!! its great to read something that we all feel! god has certainly blessed you! dont lose heart!!!

Its a beautiful life you are living!
a blessed life!

Toyin O. said...

Amen, thanks for teh encouragement, we just have to trust God as we take our leaps of faith:)