Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Taking the leap of Faith

Is it just me or is it for everyone? "FAITH" I have heard this a million times you must have too...Growing in a Christan home, The word faith is just such a common word. Well not for me. Its been s process of learning to trust in somebody i haven't seen or touched or felt. If you know what i mean.

First when i was totally messed up and screwed up God said he has Chosen me for His kingdom. Believe me you really don't know what that means when your totally screwed up. I left my education and went to Chennai did a worship course since i was also a worship leader. yea, Worship leaders can be screwed up people too. Just ask your worship leader.

After i got back i told God i need a job that pays me well. i had tried for a year couldn't get a job. God gave me a job that paid me well. in a years time i was promoted as a team leader. everything was going well with me. I almost bought myself a new house with a swimming pool a gym etc.etc. During this period i stopped praying. That's when God intervened again and i landed up in the hospital. I was messed up again. I tried to run away from God and people and went to Mangalore that's when God spoke to me again and asked me to go to Bangalore. I was also part of band called YESHUA then, we had just finished recording our first album.

I left everything got a ticket and went to Bangalore. I didn't know anyone there no family. All God said was step out of the Boat. And i did. Remember i had no money and here i am in Bangalore staying with a friend called Ramnath in an office. Spent days eating a couple of paranthas. Just me and Ramnath. I met Ramnath in Bangalore. we worked together helped a lot of Gospel bands and ministered to the youth out there. Its really hard to live in an unknown place with a small salary especially when you were a manger in a call center in bombay and making big money. I worked faithfully for a year. After a year i came back to Mumbai. Yea i needed money. The pressure of money is something that will never let go of you easily. It will keep coming to your head.

That's when i went to South Africa in search of a Job. I landed in SA on the 23rd of Dec. the next day i was in a local church and during the worship i met the same person who would never let me go. God!. Believe me You don't want to meet him especially when you know you are running away from Him. I ended up not working but was part of the worship team and leading worship in the local Vineyard Church in Durban. Thats where i got to meet a lot of youth and minister to some of them. I could see that is where the heart of the Father in heaven is. Once God touches your heart its very difficult to think of a job a future a home or anything else. All you want to do is be in his Presence. After three months i got back to mumbai. Again I needed money. Its difficult to answer people when they ask you what are you doing. Even worse in India people ask your parents in front of you. Aapka beta kya kaam karta hain ( What does you son do). I Succumbed to the pressure again.

I took up a Job in Bombay with Electrocraft (Roger Drego) God was really faithful. He helped me through this new job without having any knowledge of sound engineering i was working with India's best sound rental company. Two and a half years down the line I heard that voice again and you guessed right. i quit. It was tough really tough. But today me and my fiance are pastoring a church called "LOST n FOUND" Through all these times God was faithful and never let me lack in anything. all my needs were provided.

I recently got a very good Job offer and God said if you follow me i will provide your every need. You will lack nothing. Isiah 55. So i didnt take up the job. Today God has blessed me with everything i need and I can go on and on about this. I just want to encourage you reading this.

Take the leap of faith its worth it! Come, be a part of the Adventure.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Friendship Day @ LOST N FOUND

The first Sunday of August as we all know is celebrated as Friendship day. So we at Lost N Found decided to have a party on Wednesday. All of us were really exited about it and everyone wanted to participate, be a part of it. As we were planning on Sunday after church, everyone came up with different ideas and things to do. Hiral and her group decided to dance, Mulraj, Nikhil and Monish wanted to share Jokes. Stella and mahima were compering, Vijaya was handling the games. As usual Kim was the one who took the initiative to make sure everything goes according to the plan. With just two days everyone were busy practicing whenever they had some free time.
With everything going smoothly i got a call from ma workplace and i needed to be working on Wednesday evening. Giving up all hope of attending the party i spoke to some of my friends from the church, giving them instructions on what they need to do. Vijay prayed and said that he knew i could make it. everyone was praying. And God worked. My engineer let me leave early for the party which on any other day would not have happened. It was simply amazing. Back from work i came home to see all the dancers getting ready and practicing everyone was so exited.
We started the evening with Stella and mahima compering. They did a fabulous job!!. We then had a session of Jokes, games and finally the Dance. After all that people started exchanging friendship day bands to each other. We ordered for Pizza and had a small pizza party too. We gave everyone a DVD with songs from various christian artists. It was a gift from Vijay. Nobody wanted to leave even after everything was over.
I had the best friendship day party ever. Never ever had so many bands on my hands. I would also like to thank Kim, Gladvin and Kare for their help in making this a success. Thank you guys!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


If you're wondering what Lost and Found is all about. Its a Church!!. Yea today we had our first LOST N FOUND service at Vakola, We were about 22 people in all from different age groups aging from 5years - 65yrs. T'was Awesome!!.
We had an amazing time of Worship, I mean God really really moved in his love. Before the service I sent a text messages to all my friends to keep me in their prayer. Rick Coffin called me as soon as he received my message he prayed for me over the phone, that was really encouraging. Thanks Rick. I later went on to explain about worship and why we call our selves LOST n FOUND. Basically its from a passage in the Bible i really love. Its from Mat 18.11(The Lost Sheep). How we were all LOST in our own ways but Christ came for us and cared for us. By his love we are now FOUND in Him. I went on to share the five core values that we believe in and explained how it works.
After sharing a little from the Bible we had ministry time. And as always Abba Father just poured out his love among us. It was amazing to watch these young kids being so loved by God. Many of them felt Gods tangible presence. "I felt heat going through my body" said Wilbert Fernadez, "I just want to know God more" said Akhil..and many more of such responses just made us feel positive of our move.
I really want to Thank God for what he has done for us, My Parents and my family for supporting me. The whole team of VDS for backing me up with your prayers especially Rick Thank you. Kimberly for being so supportive and investing time money and energy into this. Thank you guys.. I love you all sooo much..

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Well you must be confused by now with LOST and SAVE. Its just two different projects working as one. S.A.V.E. stands for Seeking A Vibrant Environment. Its a programme initiated by Kimberly Fernandez with the help of the young people in the locality. God has planted a vison in her heart to help the youth and children who are underprivileged, deprived of education, drug addicts etc..
To begin with we have started with the English speaking class for anyone and everyone who has a desire to write and speak in English. There are in all 25 students who attend regularly every Friday. Its an awesome feeling to see how happy these kids get when they begin to say thank you, excuse me and sorry.
These kids have been deprived of education some of them are drop outs, most of them are forced to work when they are just 10 or 12 years of age. Our goal is to create self confidence in them and help them understand that they can achieve anything they desire in life. We are currently working on a good syllabus.
The teacher Karen (2nd pic, Pointing towards the board) has never taught or ever spoken in front of a group before. She never made friends because she was afraid of being rejected by people due to the colour of her skin. Today she loves teaching and equipping these young kids. She is so happy and God is doing an amazing work through her life.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Well well well..this is the first picture of the LOST group. If you're wondering what lost is, its just a meeting we have at ma place every Wednesday at 7.30pm. We sing a few songs play a game or two and then discuss about our day to day issues. We have a fun time discussing about the Bible and what it has to say about present day issues that we face on a daily basis.
I call it the lost group because no matter how much we try, at some point in our lives we find ourselves lost, looking for a way out looking for an answer. Its not wrong to be lost. The Bible says Christ came to seek and save that which was LOST. The parable also speaks of Jesus leaving the 99 just to save and help that which was lost. In other words Christ is looking for the LOST and waiting to help them. He will carry us on his shoulders when we cant do it on our own and bring us to the place where he wants us to be - In His presence.
I meet a lot of different people working in different professions almost everyday. Everyone has an empty space in them, No matter how much they try to cover it up by using alternatives they just cannot hide it. That empty space can be filled by just one person and that is Christ. Try this - Keep Christ the center of your life and see the difference. You would see that your life now has a meaning and a Hope. In everything you would find a peace that surpasses all understanding. Just try accepting Christ as your friend and check out the difference, I personally feel that i now have a reason to live and am enjoying my life not worried about my future and my problems.
That's what LOST is all about, Acknowledging that you are lost and you need help. No matter who you are, How rich or poor you are, There is only one way out and that way is JESUS. the only HOPE for the LOST.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Im writing

Well well well...its crazy to stumble upon your blog after a year and fell so stupid just to know how u were jus last year and wht you have turned out to be. i guess i must have been really busy with work ohh yea actually i dont really write or read a lot, does that qualify me as a Hypocrite, Maybe. Hmm..work has been a roller coaster ride this two years and now, Being hit by recession, friends who became like family leaving the company really sucks. Life has to move on, it may mean working with the person who you hate or being in a place where you really dont want to be. But you have really no choice but to do it.
          Work is becoming family and it has its advantages and disadvantages..hey, im sounding like an economics teacher now. On the bright side i just got back from Shillong a a month ago. I did the VDS 40 days - 40 Nights, twas good fun. Made a whole lot of good friends. also got to see the Taj. strange enough for me living in India i never ever went to the taj..
         Right now im trying not to read what i just wrote and am wondering if anyone would even read it..and if u happen to be the fortunate one please bear with me. hope ur not the nerdy kind of a person who must be calculating how many gramatical errors or spelling mistakes are in here but he Come on...i did it..i finallyy worot some thing..Good or Bad who cares..


Sunday, September 14, 2008

ICL Memories

Hmm..Still tryin to recollect what d heck was i tryin to do??..Ohh yes its d mastermind of a good friend of mine. Mr Sandeep Braganza.. Twas good fun though