Friday, August 7, 2009

Friendship Day @ LOST N FOUND

The first Sunday of August as we all know is celebrated as Friendship day. So we at Lost N Found decided to have a party on Wednesday. All of us were really exited about it and everyone wanted to participate, be a part of it. As we were planning on Sunday after church, everyone came up with different ideas and things to do. Hiral and her group decided to dance, Mulraj, Nikhil and Monish wanted to share Jokes. Stella and mahima were compering, Vijaya was handling the games. As usual Kim was the one who took the initiative to make sure everything goes according to the plan. With just two days everyone were busy practicing whenever they had some free time.
With everything going smoothly i got a call from ma workplace and i needed to be working on Wednesday evening. Giving up all hope of attending the party i spoke to some of my friends from the church, giving them instructions on what they need to do. Vijay prayed and said that he knew i could make it. everyone was praying. And God worked. My engineer let me leave early for the party which on any other day would not have happened. It was simply amazing. Back from work i came home to see all the dancers getting ready and practicing everyone was so exited.
We started the evening with Stella and mahima compering. They did a fabulous job!!. We then had a session of Jokes, games and finally the Dance. After all that people started exchanging friendship day bands to each other. We ordered for Pizza and had a small pizza party too. We gave everyone a DVD with songs from various christian artists. It was a gift from Vijay. Nobody wanted to leave even after everything was over.
I had the best friendship day party ever. Never ever had so many bands on my hands. I would also like to thank Kim, Gladvin and Kare for their help in making this a success. Thank you guys!!

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