Sunday, July 19, 2009


If you're wondering what Lost and Found is all about. Its a Church!!. Yea today we had our first LOST N FOUND service at Vakola, We were about 22 people in all from different age groups aging from 5years - 65yrs. T'was Awesome!!.
We had an amazing time of Worship, I mean God really really moved in his love. Before the service I sent a text messages to all my friends to keep me in their prayer. Rick Coffin called me as soon as he received my message he prayed for me over the phone, that was really encouraging. Thanks Rick. I later went on to explain about worship and why we call our selves LOST n FOUND. Basically its from a passage in the Bible i really love. Its from Mat 18.11(The Lost Sheep). How we were all LOST in our own ways but Christ came for us and cared for us. By his love we are now FOUND in Him. I went on to share the five core values that we believe in and explained how it works.
After sharing a little from the Bible we had ministry time. And as always Abba Father just poured out his love among us. It was amazing to watch these young kids being so loved by God. Many of them felt Gods tangible presence. "I felt heat going through my body" said Wilbert Fernadez, "I just want to know God more" said Akhil..and many more of such responses just made us feel positive of our move.
I really want to Thank God for what he has done for us, My Parents and my family for supporting me. The whole team of VDS for backing me up with your prayers especially Rick Thank you. Kimberly for being so supportive and investing time money and energy into this. Thank you guys.. I love you all sooo much..